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Using Android and QR codes | Android Central From time to time at AndroidCentral you'll see bar codes like the one above. Actually, it's not a bar code. It's called a QR code, and it's used as a shortcut to link to ...
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7 Free QR Code Reader Apps for Android [PICS] QR codes are all the rage these days, and if you've got an Android, you hold in your hand the power to unlock the mysteries of the QR code-spackled world. These distinctive barcodes are generally square and rendered in simple black-and-white blotches. You
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CodeTwo QR Code Desktop Reader - Free download and software reviews - CNET CodeTwo QR Code Desktop Reader is a desktop QR Code reader for Windows ... The Installer securely delivers software from's servers to your computer. During this process, the Installer may offer other free ...
Android A to Z: What is a QR code? | Android Central What is a QR code? These things are everywhere nowadays. Little square barcode-looking things. They're on website, they're on pictures, they're on advertisements -- they're everywhere. So what's a QR code and what do you do with it? In a nutshell, a Quick